JANO 2013

JANO is an annual writing contest sponsored by Sleuths Ink, a writing group based in Springfield, Missouri. The goal is to write 50,000 words, during the month of January. This is my second year of participation. Follow my progress here.

Wednesday, January 2: I’ve done little other than write for the first two days of JANO. I have my heart set on a 6,000 words/day pace. Hope my brain and my fingers continue to cooperate.

Friday, January 4: Fell a little behind my target pace on day four. Hope to get back up to speed tomorrow.

Monday, January 7: Writer’s block reigns supreme. Continue struggling with Murder on a Stick. Here’s my week 1 total:

Wednesday, January 9: Just completed day 9. The struggle is ongoing. Woe is me.

Friday, January 11: Spent more time researching than writing the last two days.

Sunday, January 13: Reached my JANO goal today! Work on this manuscript will continue, after I take a break, but won’t continue reporting progress here.