This is the third year I’m participating in JANO. It’s an annual writing contest sponsored by Sleuths Ink, a writing group based in Springfield, Missouri. The goal is to write 50,000 words, during the month of January.
The manuscripts drafted the first two years I participated are now books two and three in the Pete Culnane mystery series. I have my heart set on completing a rough draft for book four this time around. For that reason, I’ve done little other than write since New Year’s Day.
Sunday, January 5:Set 5,000 words per day as my goal. Not doing well on that count. Even so, the story is taking shape. Hope my brain and my fingers continue cooperating. 18514 / 50000 37.03% Done! 40178 / 50000 80.36% Done! 50145 / 50000 100% Done!
Saturday, January 11: Research and other diversions kept me from getting as far as I’d hoped by this date. Now striving to reach 50,000 words by January 14. Time will tell.
Monday, January 13: After two days of doing almost nothing except writing, hit the contest goal of 50,000 words. Then added another 145 words to complete the thought. Pete and Martin solved the crime, but there are still loose ends to tie up.