Murder on a Stick Is Available!

Murder on a Stick: The Third Pete Culnane Mystery, was released on August 6. The launch party was at Subtext: A Bookstore, located in St. Paul, on September 3. The turnout was FANTASTIC! It was followed by a signing at Once Upon A Crime, in Minneapolis, on September 6. One patron provided an excellent suggestion for the title of book four: Mistletoe and Murder. Now all I have to do is finish writing that book. Remaining optimistic, but not far along enough to have any idea of a target date.

Book Launch at Subtext: A Bookstore on September 3

Three Events Scheduled

Three events are scheduled, celebrating the release of Murder on a Stick:

September 3rd, you could eat dinner at Nina’s or W.A. Frost, then join me at Subtext: A Bookstore (165 Western Avenue North, St. Paul, MN) at 7 PM for the book launch party. The party includes a reading, followed by a Q & A session. Wine and hors d’oeuvres will be served.

eptember 6th from noon ’til 2 p.m., support Pat and Gary, the owners of one of your favorite mystery bookstores at Once Upon A Crime Mystery Books (604 West 26th Street, Minneapolis, MN). This event includes a signing, and a chance to ask me how I got myself into this, what I just learned about Pete’s great-grandmother, you name it.

September 6 at 7 p.m. Join me for a mini State Fair at Eat My Words Bookstore (1228 2nd St NE, Minneapolis, MN). Bring your appetite. Soup, crackers, cheese, pretzels, peanuts, and cookies will be served.


Murder on a Stick: The Third Pete Culnane Mystery will be released on August 1. Look for it in your local bookstore. If you don’t find it in your library, copy the ISBN from the BOOKS page of this website and request it. You can also find it at all four Minnesota State Fair gift shops!

JANO 2014

This is the third year I’m participating in JANO. It’s an annual writing contest sponsored by Sleuths Ink, a writing group based in Springfield, Missouri. The goal is to write 50,000 words, during the month of January.

The manuscripts drafted the first two years I participated are now books two and three in the Pete Culnane mystery series. I have my heart set on completing a rough draft for book four this time around. For that reason, I’ve done little other than write since New Year’s Day.

Sunday, January 5:Set 5,000 words per day as my goal. Not doing well on that count. Even so, the story is taking shape. Hope my brain and my fingers continue cooperating.

Saturday, January 11: Research and other diversions kept me from getting as far as I’d hoped by this date. Now striving to reach 50,000 words by January 14. Time will tell.

Monday, January 13: After two days of doing almost nothing except writing, hit the contest goal of 50,000 words. Then added another 145 words to complete the thought. Pete and Martin solved the crime, but there are still loose ends to tie up.

Making Progress on Book Two: Running Scared

Thrilled to say everything is progressing for the September 1, 2013 release date for book two in the Pete Culnane mysteries. Here’s the summary:

Nick Rice knows someone is after him. He doesn’t know who, and he doesn’t know why. Efforts to determine either or both are unsuccessful. This morning, during his daily run, he concocts a sure-fire solution. For the first time in weeks, he relaxes.

St. Paul investigators Pete Culnane and Martin Tierney are together again. They must determine if a horrific crash on Wheelock Parkway was accidental or deliberate. Their step-by-step investigation uncovers secrets that leave more than one person running scared.

And here’s the cover:

JANO 2013

JANO is an annual writing contest sponsored by Sleuths Ink, a writing group based in Springfield, Missouri. The goal is to write 50,000 words, during the month of January. This is my second year of participation. Follow my progress here.

Wednesday, January 2: I’ve done little other than write for the first two days of JANO. I have my heart set on a 6,000 words/day pace. Hope my brain and my fingers continue to cooperate.

Friday, January 4: Fell a little behind my target pace on day four. Hope to get back up to speed tomorrow.

Monday, January 7: Writer’s block reigns supreme. Continue struggling with Murder on a Stick. Here’s my week 1 total:

Wednesday, January 9: Just completed day 9. The struggle is ongoing. Woe is me.

Friday, January 11: Spent more time researching than writing the last two days.

Sunday, January 13: Reached my JANO goal today! Work on this manuscript will continue, after I take a break, but won’t continue reporting progress here.

Come See Me on Savvy Authors – February 27, 2012

I’ll be blogging about a subject that has been a recent topic of discussion. The subject is “Writing What I Don’t Know.” In this blog I talk about the types of research I did while writing my second novel, scheduled for release on September 1, 2012.

Please stop in at Savvy Authors to read my post and let me know what you think. I’m interested in your research experiences.

January 5, 2012

Wow, 2012 already. I’m working hard on a 2012 sequel to Blinded by the Sight. Eight chapters and counting. For those of you wondering what is going to happen to Pete Culnane, he’s still trying to decide. Happy belated New Year!